US Army Hand-to-Hand Fighting Book
US Army Hand-to-Hand Fighting Book US Army Hand-to-Hand Fighting Book US Army Hand-to-Hand Fighting Book

US Army Hand-to-Hand Fighting Book

Product Ref: 02350.   Military Issue - New
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Further Information
Further Information
  • Genuine issue
  • Marked "US Army Special Forces Only"
  • Dated 1980
  • 120 pages
  • Paperback
Dated 1980, this is an official publication of the US Army and makes fascinating reading.
Extract from page 1: "One of the major goals of Special Forces training is the development and maintenance of skills required to insure maximum chance of survival and mission accomplishment. Many of our missions require operating deep within enemy territory where the possibility of engaging in hand-to-hand combat increases. The soldier trained only in the use of his basic weapon loses his effectiveness if his weapon fails to fire or breaks. The soldier skilled in hand-to-hand fighting can continue to defend himself, engage the enemy, and accomplish the mission."