Russian ID Book
Russian ID Book Russian ID Book Russian ID Book

Russian ID Book

Product Ref: 02122.   Genuine Issue - Used
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ID (Russian Edition)

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Further Information
Further Information
  • Approximately 11cm x 15.5cm
  • 24 pages
A fascinating little ID book complete with photo of the original owner inside!
Q & A's
Q & A's
Q: Hi, are each one of these unique or are they duplicates?
A: Each one is an original so they are unique.
Q: Could the 'large russian ID book' be passed to a slightly ignorant British person as genuine current proof of identity? ie - is there any english writting or commercial logos? - Does it say USSR/ comunist party on it, so to anyone with any inteligence it would not appear genuine because the USSR/ comunist constitutions no longer exist?
A: Interesting question! It doesn't have any commercial logos as this is a genuine issue item. And the entire book is in the Russian alphabet, so there is no english writing on it, or anything that obviously states USSR (although we don't speak Russian so we don't know exactly what is says!). However, in the larger books there is a small photo of the original owner - so you may be rumbled by that! Of course, we don't condone using this to prove identity for any official purpose, only for novelty value.